About the European Wado Federation (EWF)

The European Wado Federation (EWF) was originally setup to assist in the membership interests of British Wadokai  European Clubs (1982), and like-minded International Wado Federation Memberships (from 2008) primarily based in Europe/Eurasia, etc., 

It is the only union for all autonomous and/or independent Wado karate schools, groups and associations within Europe/Eurasia under the International Wado Federation (IWF).

The European Wado Federation supports and recognises all traditional Wado, Wadoryu, and Wadokai karate organisations, helping to promote Wado unity world-wide as an alliance of Wado associations and groups; irrespective of other national or world affiliations.

We do not expect you to leave any existing World Governing Body to join the European Wado Federation, as our interests are only to encourage unity within all Wado.

The European Wado Federation is NOT a Limited Company or a commercially motivated governing body, so (unlike many other ‘governing bodies’) does not rely on ‘profit’ or membership fees to exist.

The European Wado Federation is NOT run by a Chief Instructor; as it is organised with common-sense by a committee of like-minded people. Membership to the European Wado Federation gives automatic membership to the International Wado Federation (and vice versa for European based memberships).

The European Wado Federation is NOT a business – the European Wado Federation is a Wado Governing Body, for amateur and professionally run Wado Karate Schools and not a commercially motivated or profit-based karate business.

We do not take your money for joining – neither do we take your money just for being in membership. We don’t even expect you to leave any existing affiliation in order to join us!

A list of EWF clubs and further information can be found here (link to external British Wadokai HQ website)

The Senior Representative for the European Wado Federation is John Roger Ingebrigsten 6th Dan Renshi, of IWF-Norway, which has been in registered membership of the International Wado Federation since 2012. 

John Ingebrigsten 6th Dan Renshi, EWF Senior Representative

Mission Statement

“To preserve both the traditional development and the evolution of Wado Karate Jujutsu.”

We strive to accomplish this in an environment free of intimidation, politics, and other negative distractions and influences.

We further seek to foster a spirit of fellowship and understanding by welcoming all like-minded individuals, regardless of race, gender, ethnic background, national origin, or physical handicap.

The European Wado Federation is not a member to any ‘multi-style’ affiliation or organisation as we do not follow or promote ‘generic all-styles sport-karate’. No ‘sport’, no ‘all-styles’, no ‘catch’, just Wado!


European Wado Federation Associate Members are self-governing ‘autonomous’ members and will be considered ‘Allied Members’ to the IWF. The IWF will have no control over Associate Members as they will have their own Constitution/Rules & Regulations, Insurance Procedures and Member Protection Policies, etc., (including Child & Vulnerable Adults Protection Policy) for self-governance within their own Group/Association.